MUNSCH Worldwide

MUNSCH is a globally operating company.

Get in touch with our worldwide contacts for your pumping application.

How to find us

MUNSCH’s headquarters is located between Cologne and Frankfurt am Main close to the A48 / A3 motorway interchange (exit Ransbach-Baumbach). The nearest airport is Frankfurt International Airport at a distance of approx. 100 km.
If you travel by train the best connection is via the ICE train station Montabaur (15 km away).

Contact details

Munsch Chemie-Pumpen GmbH
Im Staudchen
D-56235 Ransbach-Baumbach

Phone: +49 (0) 2623-8 98-0
Fax: + 49 (0) 2623-8-98-95


Monday - Thursday
08.00 h - 16:30 h (CET)

08.00 h - 15:00 h (CET)

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